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Slyshiyoshi's Last 5 Game Reviews (view last 25)
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
01-20-23 05:09 PM
Capcom's Hidden Gem of a Fighter
I've always been a huge fan of the series Marvel vs. Capcom. I'm not particularly savvy in fighting games, hell I think I'm a bit of a novice in some cases, but I still enjoy them for what they are. I remember back when I was younger and Marvel vs Capcom 2 was the latest in the series that I would gawk at it with how impressive the sprite work was and the visual spectacle of doing Supers. Capcom Fighters always usually had a mystique around them for me.

Ironically, I never got much into the Street Fighter series until I played Alpha which I saw as the peak of the fighting game genre, and in some ways Alpha was how I learned about Marvel vs. Capcom and basically fell in love at first sight. However there are a few other Vs. Capcom games that never really get enough recognition except by a dedicated few who solely devote their passion into it. One so fighter for me has always been Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom.

This game released around 2008, called Cross Generation of Heroes. Later it would be updated and renamed Ultimate All Stars, with a localized version in 2010. This was a combined effort with Capcom of course, with the Devoloper being eighting, and collabing with a old Japanese animation studio known as Tatsunako which was founded in 1962. I literally had no idea who the studio was until I happened to research a bit and found out they were responsible for some of the animation done in Neon Genesis Evangelion (No this is not a joke, many sites claim this.) with some other popular series they've worked on like Macross and Gachaman.

I assume having a fighter based entirely of being a crossover with their properties seems like they'd be entirely dead on arrival but luckily Capcom actually went through with Localizing the game which is surprising given that I don't think most Americans were thinking about Samurai Pizza Cats in the year 2010.

Anyways, let's start off with...

[b]G r a p h i c s[/b]

One of the main things of... Read the rest of this Review
Kingdom Hearts - Chain of Memories
01-15-23 07:12 PM
Chains know no Bounds
**Context as this will have spoilers for parts of the game that you might be interested in yourself so when it reaches that, it'll be marked for spoilers so you can read this review without any worry. Thank you!**

Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories is a title I remember ever so fondly as a Kid, I used to play this game all the time and would think it's one of the most fun experiences of all time.
Then I grew up, played it again, thought it wasn't all that it was cracked up to be and stopped playing after a few hours.

In context, I'm a pretty huge fan of the series and got this title first before I ever fully played through KH1 by myself, since back then my family would take turns playing through the game and experience it all together. It took me a pretty long while to beat this game cause I thought it was extremely difficult (and you'll see why, just put a pin on this.) and took me well over a year before I actually finished it. I thought it was great!

The 2nd time I would play it, I was about 14 and kinda had a nostalgia kick, and since 1.5 HD Remix was coming out at the time with Re:COM as a title you could play I was excited. While I did really enjoy playing Re:COM at the time I also kind of have similar thoughts about that game now that I do have with the original version on the GBA since essentially they're the same game, but at the time I didn't really think much of it.

I boot up the original GBA version, play it for a few hours, and shut it off never to play it again. I mean yeah it's a good game and all but I didn't really want to waste my time with it since I was going to be playing the version on 1.5 with Updated Graphics and 16:9 Widescreen. There wasn't really a reason for me to ever go back to it I thought.

With that being said, I've played both versions of these games about equal amounts of times and honestly I think each have their own merits and also problems that are somewhat separate from each other ... Read the rest of this Review
Mario Tennis - Power Tour
01-08-20 05:37 AM
Teenager Beats up and Entire School of Tennis Preps

I don't believe I've ever had a thought in my mind that of all the games genres to be mixed together that a Sport and RPG mix actually makes for a pretty fun experience and to the credit of Camelot, their library is pretty jam packed full of RPG and Strategy games, so their knack for making something like this "good" kind of seems inevitable. But with that being said, they haven't made anything BUT Sports titles for the past decade or so, which is a rather huge shame because while I believe their work on the Mario Sports franchise has been rather good, it sure as hell isn't any Golden Sun or better yet Shining Force.

As it moves on in years it seems like they've forgotten their routes and instead opted to become the main developer of the Mario Sports games for mostly what it seems just Tennis now, but let's not forget what they have made before in the past and I feel this isn't any exception as I've said I really do think this is a fun game. As this was one of the last games before the close death of the Gameboy Advance neared, let's take a look at what I consider to be a excellent game that took what it played out from the previous Gameboy Color entry and both Renewed and Reinvented it.

But before we do, here's a bit of a history going behind what made this game. This was originally developed as a tie in game to the 2004 Mario Power Tennis and developed also by Camelot. While that game leaned more heavily towards having multiple modes and much more to do in the Multiplayer game, this game was entirely focused in on gathering an audience with a Story Mode and Minigames that were well more suited towards it.

The game came out about nearly a year after it's release on the Gamecube and receiving quite a lot of positive reviews and critics quite seemed to enjoy the game, but what exactly about the... Read the rest of this Review
Mario Party 2
01-04-20 08:17 AM
Party like it's the Year 2020
This game honestly is one of the N64 Games that is so near and dear to my heart, the many memories I used to have playing with my family to the insane luck I'd used to have and everyone thought I was cheating, this is that game. It feels weird knowing that I grew up with this game and to thank it for everything it's given me I want to try and give it a really good swing at the review block and try my best to explain why I think this is possibly one of the best Mario Party games, however at the same time being a bit critical of what it did and analyzing it as a whole instead of just giving a flat out straight answer.

For this review I'll be doing the same as I did with the Mario Party review I did earlier in 2019 and giving you the good, bad, and ugly. But first here's a bit of history about this game to give a better look at what made it what it is.

Originally this game released nearly a year after it's previous entry, and ironically releasing only 9 months after it's initial launch in the US. It's crazy to think this is initially what would nip Hudson Soft in the ass after releasing game after game because for a while nobody really seemed to notice that.

One of the things that this game does is reuse a lot of Mini-games and Assets from the first game, while not entirely it does have a feeling of DejaVu and really starts to become apparent after you notice that a whopping 21 games were re-used from the first game either albeit not entirely or completely the same with a bit of minor tweaking. It's not inherently a bad thing to reuse assets but I'll explain a bit of my quarrel with it as I go into the actual review aspect.

This game would nearly go on to sell as much as the prior entry and in fans eyes see to be the definitive game on the N64. While now and days I believe 3 is the best of the N64 Trilogy (Which I know tons of people will argue about that on me.) I still do hold this game near and dear to my heart. With that... Read the rest of this Review
Mario Party
12-14-19 12:39 PM
Blisters for 4
Mario Party was possibly one of my first Nintendo 64 games growing up and it's still to this day one of my favorite Game Franchises of all time, albeit a spin off of the Super Mario franchise, but still to this day I enjoy *Most* of the games in this series. Today we'll be looking at one that I've both had a falling out with but have grown a much bigger appreciation for over the years and that's the original Mario Party itself.

The game was originally released on the N64 during early 1999, personally it's what helped grow the series to as big as it is now since the N64 was widely known for having 4 controller ports right out of the box and with the competitors you'd have to get an adapter in order to play Multiplayer with 4 people.

Mario Party's first entry on the list had a bit of controversy during it's hay day however and was infamously attached to it's legacy as a game that caused people to get blisters due to the Analog stick being a rough plastic and some of the Minigames requiring analog rotating which people would use their Palms instead of their thumbs. Due to this, a lawsuit was filed and Nintendo lost, having to give people gloves as compensation for damages and paying a hefty fine. To this day, this is why no new Minigames have any analog rotation which I think was for the better.

Anyways enough chat about what's behind the scenes of the game and get into it.


I think one thing that's really charming about the Graphics of Mario Party itself, while the models in the N64 era of Mario Party didn't change all that much, the in game boards were pre-rendered and it helped the boards stand out. The models themselves for characters and non pre-rendered areas in the games (Like the Hub, during Minigames, in extra areas, etc.) Look pretty fine. Some of them can look a bit rough around the edges, mostly in part due to texture work that I think could be easily fixed. Other then that, a pretty solid looki... Read the rest of this Review

Slyshiyoshi's Last Game screenshots (1 total)

Slyshiyoshi's Game History
Final Match Tennis (tg),   Final Match Tennis (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Yu-Gi-Oh! - The Sacred Cards (gba),   Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Sports Challenge (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   NBA Jam - Tournament Edition (snes),   Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Sports Challenge (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Tiny Toon Adventures - Wacky Sports Challenge (snes),   NBA Jam (snes),   NBA Jam - Tournament Edition (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Super Bomberman 4 (english translation) (snes),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),   Bomberman '94 (tg),  

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